Carnivorous Plants
Carnivorous plants are very demanding and don't grow
everywhere. Most species require high humidity and soil that's low in
nutritients. Cultivating them inside a terrarium allows for high
humidity. I have a hygrometer/thermometer inside the terrarium to
control living conditions (that's the geek part - the sensor
radio-transmits the data to the display on my desk). The white box on
top contains two special light bulbs that are turned on for 11 hours
every day. This makes it possible to keep the terrarium anywhere in
the room and not neccessarily in front of a window. Most carnivores
prefer very bright or even sunny conditions, and I just don't have
enough windows for that. The center of the terrarium is occupied by a
Nepenthes (pitcher plant), which grows on a little hill so its
pitchers can hang down on the sides. On the left and right, there are
two Drosera (Sundew) species (see also picture below), one with
white and one with pink flowers.
In the meantime, we have added two other species, one Sarracenia purpurea and one Dionaea (since they don't have Utricularia in the shops near my home). They were planted in the left and right back corners, respectively. The Dionaea had buds when we bought it and has made some small white flowers since then. Perhaps it will disseminate just as the Drosera did - my friend put some of the new seedlings into a large glass and took them to his office, where they grow happily thanks to the bright and warm artificial light.
The newest addition to the terrarium is a Tillandsia. These plants grow on threes in the jungle, but they're not parasitic, they just like the view. Tillandsia loves high humidity and should feel well here. It hangs on a wire in the front left corner.