Software Projects
New! RainbowBalls — the 'relaxing' and time-consuming game of Rainbow balls, now as a javascript version!
GetTen — the 'relaxing' and time-consuming game of Get10
Game of Set Main programming work was done by Uli with input from Frank and me.
Game of Master Mind
See also the navigation on the left.
BiBi - the BibTeX Manager: Manage your
literature reference files for LaTeX (BibTeX files).
MarWein - the Marvellous Web Inspector. Create tests for your web pages using this (more or less) convenient graphical test editor.
UmlTool -
A mini CASE-tool (Computer-Aided Software Design) for Java.
FamilyTree -
Draw a genealogic tree of you family history.
For technical reasons some projects currently cannot be downloaded. Please look at the projects' pages for further information, or send me an email (ute AT ujap DOT de) and I'll send you a zip file.